Tag: Houseplants

Posted on 11/19/2023
3 Natural Remedies for Fungus Gnats
Many plant owners prefer to avoid harsh chemicals in their pest control practices. Luckily, there are plenty of natural methods to combat fungus gnats and other common plant pests. Here are three great ways to get rid of fungus gnats the natural way: Trap Them With Apple Cider Vinegar & Soap A simple way to trap adult gnats...
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Posted on 07/30/2023
Epipremnum Aureum & Philodendron: What Pet Owners Should Know About These Popular Houseplants
Unfortunately, plants and pets can't always coexist. Many plants have toxic qualities that can harm both animals and humans if ingested. Some of the most popular houseplants, such as epipremnum aureum or pothos, can pose a risk to cats and dogs if not kept well out of reach. To help you choose the best houseplants for your home,...
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Posted on 03/05/2023
Keep Your Houseplants Happy With These Key Watering Tips
Are you watering your plants the right way? With plants having so many different needs, it can be difficult to know. However, most problems people have with their houseplants are caused by how and when they're watering them. To help prevent frustration and unhappy plants, here is a simple guide to the most common watering mistakes and how...
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Posted on 03/20/2022
4 Things to consider when choosing plants for a bathroom
If you're interested in finding the best plants for your bathroom, there are several things to consider. Everything from the size, orientation and features of the room can help you determine which plants will thrive in your indoor environment. Here are some of the key things to consider when choosing plants for your bathroom: Light While many houseplants...
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Posted on 02/13/2022
Which Houseplants Bloom Best?
Houseplants are not only beautiful, they freshen the air inside your home and give your mood a boost, as well. There are all kinds of houseplants, but if you’re someone who prefers blooms to greenery, these plants are easy to grow and maintain. Plus, they’ll add a happy splash of color to any room in your home. 1....
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Posted on 10/17/2021
5 Air-Purifying Plants You Should Know
Houseplants can add color and natural beauty to our living spaces, but can also improve our health. By converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, plants provide us with fresh air to breathe purely by living alongside us. Some plants can even filter harmful chemical compounds and pollutants from the air. Here we will go over some of the best...
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